When it comes to remodeling your kitchen, this could be one of the more complicated decisions to make because there are many considerations that literally can blend into one another. Let’s dive in.
Four Tips for Selecting the Right Kitchen Backsplash
Kitchen Colors
We would start here. What are your kitchen colors going to be? From the walls and trim to the color and style of your appliances - even the small countertop ones - it's going to make a difference. This is critical because it may very well affect not only the color but the style itself of the backsplash.
Style of the Backsplash
Oh, the choices. Tiles come in a wide variety of styles, patterns, colors, material, and textures, so consideration number one is most definitely your space to be covered. Some patterns will just not look right in limited amounts of space. Something that has become a very useful tool is the ability to use 3D technology to see what various styles, colors, and patterns will eventually look like in your space.
Yes, Pinterest! You may not have thought of that, but my wife goes to Pinterest for suggestions, thoughts, and pictures of finished products for pretty much everything around our home. You may even be lucky enough to come across a similar layout to your kitchen or connect with someone who proposes a concept you may not have thought of, such as the use of repurposed materials for a specific accent look.
Play Around With Samples
If you are visiting a remodeling professional's brick-and-mortar location (we recommend you check out the Marks Building Co. showroom!), ask them for samples of the materials you are considering to bring home so you can have a look at them in your space and, most importantly, in the lighting in your kitchen. Materials and colors can most definitely have different looks and appeals in different lighting scenarios. This is a very often overlooked opportunity to make sure that the materials you are considering are right for your kitchen.